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How to find and choose investment ideas with Plynk Explore

Not sure where to start looking for investments? Plynk Explore can help you find ideas based on your comfort zone and your interests.

July 20, 2023

How to find investment ideas

If you’re unsure where to begin when searching for investing ideas, consider trying the Plynk Explore feature.

What is Plynk Explore?

Plynk Explore is a self-guided tool in the app that asks 3 simple questions to help you choose investment options that may suit you.

Question 1: What type of investments would you like to see?

You can pick from 3 choices here. Consider how comfortable you are with taking risks.

Do you feel comfortable with more risk if it could mean greater potential for reward? Or do you prefer lower-risk investments, even if that means their returns might also be lower over time?

If you select…

  • Conservative: Your results will include lower-risk investments.
  • Moderate: Your results will include investments of mid-level risk.
  • Aggressive: Your results will include higher-risk investments.

Question 2: Are there any categories you’d like to invest in?

You can choose up to 3 themes that you’re interested in investing your money in.

Read more: Thematic investing with the Plynk app

Question 3: How would you like to sort the results?

Pick either “Outside expert analysis and opinion” or “Historical performance.”

Essentially, you’re deciding whether you want the tool to take into account how financial experts have rated the investments, or their track record of performance in recent years.

Read more: How to use expert ratings

How does the Plynk app decide which investments to show?

Based on your responses to the questions, Plynk Explore will sort and filter investments to display those that fit the criteria you’ve selected.

Next steps to consider

Visit the Discover page in the app to give Plynk Explore a try. You can take the questionnaire as many times as you’d like to see different results and find a variety of possibilities!

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